What do you want to learn?

While career development is central to Shadower's business model, the company aims to create something even greater: a platform for users to easily and conveniently learn and share a vast array of knowledge and skills. Plotted in the bar graph below, the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) found that across all age categories, the number one reason why people have taken non-degree online classes is for personal growth,13 an educational niche Shadower can fill by providing customized, unique, real-world shadowing sessions.

Data on education

There are nearly 28 million small businesses in the U.S., many of which are run by talented individuals who have some sort of expertise that only comes after years on the job. Whether these entrepreneurs produce a unique trinket, food product, piece of artwork or type of music, these small businesses have plenty to offer the community and the inquisitive individuals who make up that community.

There is certainly a thirst for knowledge in America, especially personalized, non-classroom-based education. As plotted in the following three figures, roughly half of the country, regardless of income, education or age, have taken an online course or tutorial, according to the OCLC.

Likelihood of online users having taken online classes or tutorials, by income level:14

Data on education

Likelihood of online users having taken online classes or tutorials, by education level:15

Data on education

Likelihood of online users having taken online classes or tutorials, by age:16

Data on education

Americans across the board have a desire for knowledge and Shadower provides another fantastic avenue for them to discover it.